Cloth Doll Making » Mermaid doll » Dressing

Mermaid Dressing

You may use any cloth. It's also nice to attach 2 shells to the breast.
Mermaid doll


Cut sheer tricot cloth in 10cm width and any length.
Fold it in three.
Tie at the middle and attach button or bead.
BrassiereClose up

Wrap breast around and tie at the back.

Hair ornament

Fold 20cm × 5cm organdy ribbon in half.
Stitch the ribbon

Sew and tie the hem. It's flower.
Fold a green ribbon. This is leaf.
Stitch flowers to the leaf.
Flower and leafOrnament

Stitch it on the head.
Mermaid with flowers


Cloth Doll Making
How to make dolls
Mermaid dolls
Mermaid doll making

Basic doll
Tall boy doll
1/2 girl doll
Kimono doll
Nekomimi doll
Life-size baby doll
Easy dolls
Anime dolls
Christmas dolls
Little wedding dolls
Stuffed toys

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