Cloth Doll Making » Mermaid doll » Hair

Mermaid Hair

You can omit the head fin.

Head fin

Cut the cloth of fin.
Ear fins?

Stitch it to the side of the head.
Fold it and glue at the hem (using transparent glue).


Use any yarn or any color.
I used light yellow mohair yarn which was unknit.

Tie up the bunch of yarn at the middle point.
Glue it to the head.
Cut forelock if you like.
Cut the yarnAttached

The doll has been completed.

Cloth Doll Making
How to make dolls
Mermaid dolls
Mermaid doll making

Basic doll
Tall boy doll
1/2 girl doll
Kimono doll
Nekomimi doll
Life-size baby doll
Easy dolls
Anime dolls
Christmas dolls
Little wedding dolls
Stuffed toys

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Mermaid doll making » Dressing